Angel Sanctuary (Tenshi Kinryōku) is a manga and anime series created by Kaori Yuki. Setsuna Mudo is a problematic delinquent high school student, who is in love with his sister. To add to his problems, he is also a reincarnation of a fallen angel, which gets him caught in a messy war between heaven and hell. Angel Sanctuary is one of Kaori Yuki's most celebrated works. Among other things, it discusses the morality of incestuous relationships, the nature of God, and other philosophical topics. Main characters: Setsuna Mudo, Sara Mudo, Alexiel , Sakuya Kira, Lucifer, Rosiel, YHWH. In this category you can find high quality Angel Snactuary wallpapers and posters
Angel Sanctuary Japanese Manga
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Angel Sanctuary