Wolf's Rain, is a Japanese anime and manga series, created by Keiko Nobumoto and BONES. Originally broadcast across Japan on the anime television network, Animax, and Fuji TV. Wolf's Rain ran for a full season of 26 episodes, with four more OVA episodes being released across DVD in Japan. Wolf's Rain was adapted into a manga, with art by Toshitsugu Iida, which was originally serialized in Japan across Kodansha's Magazine Z manga magazine. Wolf's Rain takes place in a post-apocalyptic time when much of the world has been ecologically devastated in a form of fimbulwinter and most people live in poverty. A legend is told in the "Book of the Moon" that wolves are mystical beings who came to the world from a place called Rakuen (Paradise), at the dawn of time. Characters: Kiba, Tsume, Hige, Toboe, Blue. In this category you can find high quality Wolf's Rain wallpapers and posters.
Wolf's Rain Anime Series
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Wolf's Rain