Spirited Away Best Japanese Anime

Spirited Away, originally known in Japan as Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, is an Academy Award winning 2001 film by the Japanese anime studio Studio Ghibli. The Spirited Away received many awards, including the second Oscar ever awarded for Best Animated Feature and the only winner of that award to win among five nominees. Principal characters of Spirited Away: Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Akio Ogino, Yuuko Ogino, Haku/Nigihayami Kohakunushi, Yubaba, Kashira, Kamajii . In this category you can find high quality Spirited Away wallpapers and posters.

Spirited Away WallpaperSpirited Away Wallpaper

Spirited Away Anime WallpaperSpirited Away Anime Wallpaper

Spirited Away Anime PictureSpirited Away Anime Picture

Spirited Away Japanese AnimeSpirited Away Japanese Anime

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