Absolute Boyfriend is a six volume manga series by Yuu Watase, first serialized in Shojo Comic. The manga series are being adapted into a live-action drama series. Riiko Izawa has never had a boyfriend and she has been rejected by every boy she has ever had a crush on. When she returns a lost cell phone to an oddly dressed salesman, she mentions wanting a boyfriend so to thank her, he directs her to his company's website. When she visits the site, Riiko finds it's a site to create your own lover. Thinking its a game, she customizes and accidentally orders one. The next day, her new lover arrives. Following the instruction manual, she kisses him to wake him up and configure him to be in love with only her. She names him "Night." Main characters: Riiko Izawa, Night Tenjo, Soshi Asamoto, Gaku Namikiri. In this category you can find high quality Absolute Boyfriend wallpapers and posters.
Absolute Boyfriend Wallpapers Anime Wallpaper
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Absolute Boyfriend Wallpapers